Wednesday 11 February 2015

Snow going back!

 "Just landed in Turin" came the text from my daughter this morning as I set out with the dogs. My husband has taken her and her brother on their first skiing trip which is something they have wanted to do for a few years now but couldn't afford to do. The chance to go with school was a possibility but when my husband realised that in fact three of them could go for the same cost as one child with school AND have two lesson with a British Olympian ski instructor to boot then it was clear that the opportunity for our children needed to be grasped.

We looked at what she would learn- a new sport to enhance her P.E . G.C.S.E and her D of E. The opportunity to experience first hand glaciation, a subject which she has covered for geography, the chance to practice her French (despite flying to Italy they are skiing in the French Alps). The chance to improve her photography skills (she is doing photography for her D of E ) and trying out the thermal springs and learning why they are warm.

Google was anxious, he didn't fancy skiing and I had visions of being stuck up a mountain with him refusing to come down so that's how we came to the decision to stay behind. Life is too short, you need to grab opportunities when they come along as they might not come round again.

My plan is to take a break too. To do new challenges and try new food.Watch films I've been meaning to watch for ages, read books and most of all walk. I've been on a new walk this morning up the fells.It took me up above the village and I've  taken photos above our house,seen my first lamb,witnessed swathes of snow drops and arrived home feeling rosy and healthy. Another walk is planned for tomorrow ,it's forecast cloudy but dry!

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